-24 juil. 20192 min de lectureMSCA FAST project fundedOur our Marie-Curie project on "Fast electronics with Antiferromagnetic SpinTronics" was funded within the H2020 EU program. See...
-23 juil. 20191 min de lectureFeaturing in NatureOur new paper on spin-transport in antiferromagnets using spin-waves just appeared in Nature 561, 222–225 (2018). Spintronics relies on...
-23 juil. 20191 min de lectureFeaturing in Communications PhysicsOur new paper on using surface sensitive spin-Hall magnetoresistance to probe antiferromagnets just appeared in Communications Physics 2,...
-23 juil. 20191 min de lecturePress coverage of our Nature paper in Germany, Netherlands and Norway !Our joint work with our colleagues from the QuSpin groups of Arne Brataas in Trondheim (Norway) and Rembert Duine in Utrecht...
-23 juil. 20191 min de lectureFeaturing in Physical Review LettersOur work on understanding phase noise squeezing in spin-torque oscillators was published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 017201 (2015). In this...
-23 juil. 20191 min de lectureFeaturing in Nature CommunicationsOur work on the mutal synchronization of spin-torque oscillators was published in Nature Communications 8, 15825 (2017). See also the...