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28. L. Baldrati, O. Gomonay, A. Ross, M. Filianina, R. Lebrun, R. Ramos, C. Leveille, T. Forrest, F. Maccherozzi, E. Saitoh, J. Sinova, M. Kläui, Phys. Rev. L (in press) "Mechanism of Neel order switching in antiferromagnetic thin films revealed by magnetotransport and direct imaging"

27. S. Ding, A. Ross, R. Lebrun, S. Becker, K. Lee, I. Boventer, S. Das, Y. Kurokawa, S. Gupta, J. Yang, G. Jakob, and M. Kläui, Phys. Rev. B 100, 100406 (R) (2019)  "Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and chiral magnetic textures in a ferrimagnetic insulator"

26. J. Cramer, L. Baldrati, A. Ross, M. Vafaee, R. Lebrun, and M. Kläui, Phys. Rev. B 100, 094439 (2019) "Impact of electromagnetic fields and heat on spin transport signals in Y3Fe5O12"

25. J. Cramer, A. Ross, L. Baldrati, R. Lebrun, and M. Kläui, Phys. Rev. B 89, 104414 (2019) “Spin-dependent and inverse spin Hall effect in Co60Fe20B20”

24. R. Lebrun, A. Ross, O. Gomonay, S. A. Bender, L. Baldrati, F. Kronast, A. Qaiumzadeh, J. Sinova, A. Brataas, R. A. Duine, and M. Kläui, Communications Physics 2 (50) (2019) “Spin-Hall magnetoresistance as a tool to study (T,H) magnetic phase transitions and anisotropies in insulating antiferromagnets”

23. R. Weber, D-S. Han, I. Boventer, R. Lebrun, G. Jakob, and M. Kläui, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52 (32), 325001 (2019) “Gilbert damping of CoFe-alloys”

22. T. Hajiri, L. Baldrati, R. Lebrun, M. Filianina, A. Ross, N. Tanahashi, M. Kuroda, W. Gan, T. Onur Mentes, F. Genuzio, A. Locatelli, H. Asano, and M. Klaui, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2019) "Spin structure and spin Hall magnetoresistance of epitaxial thin films of the insulating non-collinear antiferromagnet SmFeO3"



21. R. Lebrun, A. R. Ross, S-A. Bender, A. Quaimzadeh, L. Baldrati, J. Cramer, A. Brataas, R-A. Duine, and M. Klaüi, Nature 561, p. 222–225 (2018) “Electrically tunable long-distance transport through crystalline antiferromagnetic iron oxide”

20. S. Tsunegi, T. Taniguchi, R. Lebrun, Kay Yakushiji, V. Cros, J. Grollier, A. Fukushima, S. Yuasa, and H. Kubota, Scientific Report 8 (1), 13475 (2018) “Scaling up electrically synchronized spin-torque oscillators networks"


2. P. Bortolotti, J. Kermorvant, V. Cros, B. Marcilhac, R. Lebrun, WO2018069389A1 (2018)

1. P. Bortolotti, A. Anane, V. Cros, R. Lebrun, WO2018069255A1 (2018)



19. R. Lebrun, S. Tsunegi, P. Bortolotti, H. Kubota, K. Yakushiji, A. S. Jenkins, M. Romera, A. Fukushima, J. Grollier, S. Yuasa and V. Cros, Nature Communications 8, Numéro d’article: 15825 (2017) “Mutual synchronization of spin torque nano-oscillators through a non-local and tunable electrical coupling”

18. M. Kreissig, R. Lebrun, F. Protze, KJ. Merazzo, J. Hem, L. Vila, R. Ferreira, MC. Cyrille, F. Ellinger, V. Cros, U. Ebels, and P. Bortolotti, AIP Advances 7 (5), 056653 (2017) “Vortex spin-torque oscillator stabilized by phase locked loop using integrated circuits”

17. R. Lebrun, A. Hamadeh, N. Locatelli, V. V. Naletov, G. de Loubens, J. Grollier, O. Klein, and V. Cros, Phys. Rev. B 95 (13), 134444 (2017) “Driven energy exchange between coupled modes in spin-torque nano-oscillators”


16. U. Ebels, J. Hem, A. Purbawati, A. Ruiz Calafora, C. Murapaka, L. Vila, K. Jaimes Merazzo, E. Jimenez, M.-C. Cyrille, R. Ferreira, M. Kreissig, R. Ma, F. Ellinger, R. Lebrun, S. Wittrock, V. Cros and  P. Bortolotti, IEEE EFTF/IFCS, 2017, 17315871 (2017) “Spintronic based RF components”

15. M. Kreissig, R. Lebrun, F. Protze, K. Merazzo-Jaimes, J. Hem, L. Vila, R. Ferreira, M-C. Cyrille, F. Ellinger, V. Cros, U. Ebels, and P. Bortolotti, IEEE Magnetics Conference, 17100975 (2017), “Vortex Spin-torque Oscillator Stabilized by Phase Locked Loop



14. M. Romera, P. Talatchian, R. Lebrun, K. J. Merazzo, P. Bortolotti, L. Vila, J. D. Costa, R. Ferreira, P. P. Freitas, M.-C. Cyrille, U. Ebels, V. Cros, and J. Grollier, Applied Physics Letters 109 (25), 252404 “Enhancing the injection locking range of spin torque oscillatorsthrough mutual coupling

13. A. Mizrahi, N. Locatelli, R. Lebrun, V. Cros, A. Fukushima, S. Tsunegi, H. Kubota, S. Yuasa, D. Querlioz and J. Grollier, Scientific Report 6, 30535 (2016) “Controlling the phase locking of unstable magnetic bits for ultra-low power computation”

12. S. Tsunegi, E. Grimaldi, R. Lebrun, H. Kubota A.S. Jenkins, K. Yakushiji, A. Fukushima, P. Bortolotti, J. Grollier, S. Yuasa, and V. Cros, Scientific Reports 6, Numéro d’article: 26849 (2016) "Self-injection locking of a vortex spin torque oscillator by delayed feedback”

11. A. S. Jenkins, R. Lebrun, E. Grimaldi, S. Tsunegi, P. Bortolotti, H. Kubota, K. Yakushiji, A. Fukushima, G. de Loubens, O. Klein, S. Yuasa, and V. Cros, Nature Nanotechnology 11 (4), 360 (2016) “Spin torque resonant vortex core expulsion for an efficient radio-frequency detection scheme



10. N. Locatelli, A. Hamadeh, F. Abreu Araujo, A.D. Belanovsky, P.N. Skirdkov, R. Lebrun, V.V. Naletov, K.A. Zvezdin, M. Munoz, J. Grollier, O. Klein, V. Cros, and G. de Loubens, Scientific Reports 5, 17039 (2015) “Efficient Synchronization of Dipolarly Coupled Vortex-Based Spin Transfer Nano-Oscillators”

9. F. Abreu Araujo, A. D. Belanovsky, P. N. Skirdkov, N. Locatelli, R. Lebrun, G. De Loubens, O. Klein, J. Grollier, V. Cros, K. A. Zvezdin, and A. K. Zvezdin, Phys. Rev. B 92 (4), 045419 (2015) “Optimizing magneto-dipolar interactions for synchronizing vortex based spin-torque nano-oscillators”

8. R. Lebrun, A. Jenkins, A. Dussaux, N. Locatelli, S. Tsunegi, E. Grimaldi, H. Kubota, P. Bortolotti, K. Yakushiji, J. Grollier, A. Fukushima, S. Yuasa, and V. Cros, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 017201 (2015) “Understanding of phase noise squeezing under fractional synchronization of a non-linear spin transfer vortex oscillator”

7. N. Locatelli, R. Lebrun, V.V. Naletov, A. Hamadeh, G. De Loubens, O. Klein, J. Grollier, and V. Cros, IEEE Transations on Magnetism, 0018-9464 (2015) “Improved spectral stability in spin transfer nano-oscillators: single vortex versus coupled vortices dynamics”



6. R. Lebrun, N. Locatelli, F. A. Araujo, J. Grollier, H. Kubota, K. Yakushiji, A. Fukushima, S. Yuasa, and V. Cros, Phys. Rev. Appl. 2, 061001 (2014) “Nonlinear behavior and mode coupling in spin-transfer nano-oscillators”

5. A. S. Jenkins, E. Grimaldi, P. Bortolotti, R. Lebrun, H. Kubota, K. Yakushiji, A. Fukushima, G. de Loubens, O. Klein, S. Yuasa, and V. Cros, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 172403 (2014) “Controlling the chirality and polarity of vortices in magnetic tunnel junctions”

4. A. Hamadeh, N. Locatelli, V. V. Naletov, R. Lebrun, G. de Loubens, J. Grollier, O. Klein, and V. Cros, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 257201 (2014) “Origin of Spectral Purity and Tuning Sensitivity in a Spin Transfer Vortex Nano-Oscillator”

3. S. Tsunegi, H. Kubota, K. Yakushiji, M. Konoto, S. Tamaru, A. Fukushima, H. Arai, H. Imamura, E. Grimaldi, R. Lebrun, J. Grollier, V. Cros, and S. Yuasa, Appl. Phys. Exp. 7 (6), 063009 (2014) “High emission power and Q factor in spin torque vortex oscillator consisting of FeB free layer”

2. A. Hamadeh, N. Locatelli, V. V. Naletov, R. Lebrun, G. de Loubens, J. Grollier, O. Klein, and V. Cros, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 022408 (2014) “Perfect and robust phase-locking of a spin transfer vortex nano-oscillator to an external microwave source”


1. E. Grimaldi, R. Lebrun, A. Jenkins, A. Dussaux, J. Grollier, V. Cros, A. Fert, H. Kubota. K. Yakushiji, A. Fukushima, R. Matsumoto, S. Yuasa, G. Cibiel, P. Bortolotti, and G. Pillet, Proc. IEEE Frequency Control Symposium (FCS), 14482545 (2014) “Spintronic nano-oscillators: Towards nanoscale and tunable frequency devices”

Publications: Publications

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