Our work on understanding phase noise squeezing in spin-torque oscillators was published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 017201 (2015).
In this work, we investigate experimentally the synchronization of vortex based spin transfer nano-oscillators to an external rf current whose frequency is at multiple integers, as well as at an integer fraction, of the oscillator frequency. Through a theoretical study of the locking mechanism, we highlight the crucial role of both the symmetries of the spin torques and the nonlinear properties of the oscillator in understanding the phase locking mechanism. In the locking regime, we report a phase noise reduction down to− 90 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset frequency. Our demonstration that the phase noise of these nanoscale nonlinear oscillators can be tuned and eventually lessened, represents a key achievement for targeted radio frequency applications using spin torque devices.
